Permanent Opiate / Oxy / Vicodin Detox Kits
Formulated to cleanse toxins from your urine, blood and saliva!
Need help passing a Opiate drug test? If you need to cleanse your system after Opiate use, then these specially formulated detoxification and cleansing kits are for you. The Total Body Cleanser kits come with everything you need to help your body detox of Opiate metabolites, and it will permanently cleanse your body, not just mask toxins.
About the Detox Kits...
These kits are permanent cleansers, which means no traces of toxins remain after completing the detox program in order to pass a drug test . The Supreme Klean Total Body Cleanser comes with daily portions of detoxification pills as well as detox tea that you can utilize to pass a urine drug test or pass a saliva drug test . You must take six detox capsules daily, three times a day. This will help ensure proper detoxification. The Opiate Detox Kits all come with two FREE single-panel urine drug tests of your choice. So you can be sure that you can pass a urine drug test at home, prior to having to take your scheduled test. You also receive creatine and vitamin B to help restore the body’s natural creatine and pH levels to normal. You may add a detoxifying shampoo to the order to ensure every part of your body is toxin-free so you will be able to pass a hair drug test as well as all the others.
5 Day - Very Light Opiate (includes prescription pain meds) User ($79.95)
5 Day Cleanse - Perfect for people who use 1 to 2 Times Per week for more then 1 month. This 5 day program will eliminate traces of Opiate (includes prescription pain meds) drug use from your urine, blood and saliva. This is not a mask and it is completely undetectable! 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. Comes with 5 day supply of Detox Capsules Plus 2 free Opiate (includes prescription pain meds) Drug Test Kit and a Power Flush Detox Tea, Creatine Capsules and Vitamin B Capsules to take on the day of test for extra insurance. Body Weight Up To 150 lbs |
7 Day - Light Opiate (includes prescription pain meds) User ($99.95)
7 Day Cleanse - Perfect for people who use 2 to 3 Times Per week for more then 1 month. This 7 day program will eliminate traces of Opiate (includes prescription pain meds) drug use from your urine, blood and saliva. This is not a mask and it is completely undetectable! 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. Comes with 7 day supply of Detox Capsules Plus 2 free Opiate (includes prescription pain meds) Drug Test Kit and a Power Flush Detox Tea, Creatine Capsules and Vitamin B Capsules to take on the day of test for extra insurance. Body Weight Up To 165 lbs |
10 Day - Medium Opiate (includes prescription pain meds) User ($119.99)
10 Day Cleanse - Perfect for people who use 3 to 4 Times Per week for more then 1 month. This 10 day program will eliminate traces of Opiate (includes prescription pain meds) drug use from your urine, blood and saliva. This is not a mask and it is completely undetectable! 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. Comes with 10 day supply of Detox Capsules Plus 2 free Opiate (includes prescription pain meds) Drug Test Kit and a Power Flush Detox Tea, Creatine Capsules and Vitamin B Capsules to take on the day of test for extra insurance. Body Weight Up To 180 lbs |
14 Day - Heavy Opiate (includes prescription pain meds) User ($149.99)
14 Day Cleanse - Perfect for people who use 4 to 5 Times Per week for more then 1 month. This 14 day program will eliminate traces of Opiate (includes prescription pain meds) drug use from your urine, blood and saliva. This is not a mask and it is completely undetectable! 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. Comes with 14 day supply of Detox Capsules Plus 2 free Opiate (includes prescription pain meds) Drug Test Kit and a Power Flush Detox Tea, Creatine Capsules and Vitamin B Capsules to take on the day of test for extra insurance. Body Weight Up To 200 lbs. |
20 Day - Extreme Opiate (includes prescription pain meds) User ($199.99)
20 Day Cleanse - Perfect for people who use 5 to 7 Times Per week for more then 1 Year. This 20 day program will eliminate traces of Opiate (includes prescription pain meds) drug use from your urine, blood and saliva. This is not a mask and it is completely undetectable! 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. Comes with 20 day supply of Detox Capsules Plus 2 free Opiate (includes prescription pain meds) Drug Test Kit and a Power Flush Detox Tea, Creatine Capsules and Vitamin B Capsules to take on the day of test for extra insurance. Body Weight Up To 225 lbs |
30 Day - Chronic Daily Opiate (includes prescription pain meds) User ($249.99)
30 Day Cleanse - Perfect for people who use 1 to 4 Times Per Day for more then 1 Year. This 30 day program will eliminate traces of Opiate (includes prescription pain meds) drug use from your urine, blood and saliva. This is not a mask and it is completely undetectable! 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. Comes with 30 day supply of Detox Capsules Plus 2 free Opiate (includes prescription pain meds) Drug Test Kit and a Power Flush Detox Tea, Creatine Capsules and Vitamin B Capsules to take on the day of test for extra insurance. Body Weight Up To 325 lbs |